Region 4
Lieutenant Colonel Chad Bonecutter
Region 4 Western Hemisphere - South

Lieutenant Colonel Bonecutter graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from The Ohio State University in 2001. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant, via the OCC Program, in December 2005. Upon graduation from The Basic School, he reported to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and was designated a Field Artillery Officer in December 2006.

In January 2007, Second Lieutenant Bonecutter reported to 1st Battalion, 10th Marines at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. In August 2007, assigned to Battery A as a Forward Observer, Second Lieutenant Bonecutter attached to Company B, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines to serve as the Company Fire Support Team Leader. In February 2008, First Lieutenant Bonecutter deployed with Company B to Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). Upon return from the deployment, First Lieutenant Bonecutter served as the Liaison Officer and then as the Executive Officer for Battery A.

In September 2009, First Lieutenant Bonecutter transferred to 5th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO) at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan. After joining 5th ANGLICO, he immediately attended the Tactical Air Control Party Course and was designated a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC). In May 2010, Captain Bonecutter deployed as a Firepower Control Team Leader in support of OEF where he supported Left Flank, 1st Battalion, The Scots Guards and Company D, 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment of the British Royal Army. In November 2011, Captain Bonecutter deployed as a Supporting Arms Liaison Team Leader in support of OEF where he supported Danish Battle Group Team 12 and 1st Battalion, The Grenadier Guards of the British Royal Army. After returning from the deployment, Captain Bonecutter took over duties as the Assistant Operations Officer and was certified as a JTAC-Evaluator.

In July 2013, Captain Bonecutter reported as a student to Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) in Quantico, Virginia. He graduated EWS in May 2014 and immediately reported to 5th Battalion, 11th Marines at Camp Pendleton, California to assume command of Headquarters Battery. In February 2015, he relinquished command of Headquarters Battery and assumed command of Battery R. In January 2016, Captain Bonecutter relinquished command of Battery R and assumed the duties of Battalion Fires Plans Officer.

In June 2016, Major Bonecutter transferred to Detachment Two, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Hanoi, Vietnam to serve as the Deputy Commander. As Deputy Commander, Major Bonecutter planned and supervised the execution of seven Joint Field Activities that repatriated 16 cases of American remains that were unaccounted for as a result of the Vietnam War.

In July 2018, Major Bonecutter reported as a student to Command and Staff College (CSC) in Quantico, Virginia. He graduated CSC in June 2019, earning a Master of Military Studies, and reported to 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California to serve as the Battalion Executive Officer.

In October 2020, Major Bonecutter transferred to Training and Education Command in Quantico, Virginia to serve as the Joint, Interagency, and Multinational Branch Head in the G-3. During this tour, he was selected for command.   

In May 2022, Lieutenant Colonel Bonecutter transferred to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to assume command of Region 4, Marine Corps Embassy Security Group.

Lieutenant Colonel Bonecutter’s personal decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (gold stars in lieu of fourth award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon. Lieutenant Colonel Bonecutter has also been awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. 

Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG)